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Major Arcana Tarot Cards Meanings

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Major Arcana Tarot Cards Meanings
Tarot Cards Meaning

The Major Arcana Tarot cards in the Tarot deck represent major events, experiences, and changes that will take place in the life of the querent (the person who is asking for a Tarot reading). These cards are associated with archetypal energies and symbols that can be interpreted to provide insight into the querent’s life. The Major Arcana cards typically represent significant life events such as marriage, death, career changes, or spiritual awakenings.

Let’s explore the Major Arcana Tarot Cards Meaning!

  • Fool Tarot Card

The Fool card is one of the most important cards in the deck, as it symbolizes new beginnings, taking risks, and embracing new experiences. It can also mean that you are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery. This card encourages querent to take a leap of faith and trust that everything will turn out alright.

  • Magician Tarot Card

The Magician Tarot Card is a card that symbolizes the power of manifestation, creativity, and resourcefulness. It is associated with the ability to take action and create something from nothing. This card can also be interpreted as a sign of new beginnings and opportunities for growth. The Magician Tarot Card encourages us to use our imagination and intuition in order to manifest our desires into reality. It encourages us to tap into our inner wisdom and use it to create something meaningful in our lives.

  • The High Priestess Tarot Card

The High Priestess Tarot Card is one of the most powerful cards in the Tarot deck. It symbolizes intuition, mystery, and knowledge. It indicates that you are in tune with your inner wisdom and are connected to a higher power. This card also suggests that you should trust your instincts and follow your intuition when making decisions. The High Priestess can also represent a spiritual teacher or mentor who can guide you on your journey. By connecting with this card, you can access deep knowledge and find answers to questions that may have been eluding you.

  • The Empress Tarot Card

The Empress Tarot Card is an important card in the Tarot deck. It represents abundance, fertility, and creativity. The Empress is a symbol of the divine feminine energy and its power to create and nurture life. She is often seen as a motherly figure that brings comfort, security, and protection. This card encourages us to tap into our inner strength and use it to manifest our dreams into reality. It also reminds us to be patient with ourselves as we work towards our goals.

  • The Emperor Tarot Card

The Emperor Tarot Card is a powerful card that symbolizes authority, structure, and stability. It is associated with the astrological sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars. This card represents a strong leader who is confident in their decisions and has the ability to take charge of any situation. The Emperor Tarot Card indicates that one should be open to taking on new responsibilities and embracing challenges. It also suggests that one should have faith in their abilities and trust their instincts when making important decisions. The Emperor Tarot Card encourages us to take control of our lives and become our own authority figures.

  • The Hierophant Tarot Card

The Hierophant Tarot Card is a Major Arcana card that symbolizes tradition, knowledge, and wisdom. It is associated with the spiritual aspect of life, the need to find inner peace and understanding, and the search for truth. The Hierophant Tarot Card also represents learning from teachers and mentors, seeking guidance from experts in order to gain insight into our lives. This card can be interpreted as a call for us to look within ourselves for answers to our questions and look outside of ourselves for guidance in our journey towards self-discovery.

  • The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers Tarot Card is one of the most popular cards in the tarot deck. It symbolizes love, relationships, and decisions that have to be made between two people. This card can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the context it is used in. The Lovers Tarot Card can represent a decision between two paths or choices, a relationship between two people or even a choice between two different aspects of yourself. It can also symbolize harmony, balance and unity. Ultimately, this card is about making a conscious decision and being aware of the consequences that come with it.

  • The Chariot Tarot Card

The Chariot Tarot Card is one of the most powerful cards in the deck. It symbolizes victory, determination, and control over one's destiny. It is associated with ambition and success, as well as a willingness to take risks in order to achieve goals. The card can also represent the need for discipline and focus in order to succeed. Furthermore, it can signify a journey of self-discovery or a new beginning.

  • The strength Tarot Card

The Strength Tarot Card symbolizes inner strength and courage, and is associated with the zodiac sign Leo. The card represents a person's ability to take control of their own life and make positive changes. It also encourages us to be brave and have faith in ourselves, even when faced with difficult circumstances or challenging situations. The Strength Tarot Card can help us to understand our inner power and how we can use it to achieve our goals.

  • The Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit Tarot Card is a card that symbolizes the need for introspection and inner reflection. It is associated with the search for wisdom and knowledge, as well as a period of solitude in order to gain clarity. The card may also represent a time of contemplation, spiritual growth, and seeking out guidance from within. The Hermit Tarot Card can be interpreted as a sign to take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in order to focus on your inner self. It may also suggest that you should seek out guidance from an experienced mentor or teacher in order to gain insight into your current situation.

  • The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card is one of the most iconic cards in the tarot deck. It symbolizes luck, change, and destiny. It is a card that can bring great fortune or great misfortune depending on the context and how it is interpreted. It suggests that we are all part of a larger cycle of life, which includes both good and bad times. The card encourages us to accept our current circumstances and to keep moving forward despite any challenges we may face. The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card also serves as a reminder that everything in life is interconnected and that we should take responsibility for our own actions.

  • The Justice Tarot Card

The Justice Tarot Card is a powerful card that symbolizes justice, fairness, balance, and objectivity. It can represent the need for justice in a situation or the need to make a decision with fairness and objectivity. The Justice Tarot Card encourages us to take responsibility for our actions and to be honest about our intentions. It also reminds us of the importance of being fair and just in all aspects of life. This card can be a sign that you are being asked to make an important decision or take action in order to bring balance into your life.

  • The Hanged Man Tarot Card

The Hanged Man Tarot Card is one of the most mysterious and powerful cards in the tarot deck. It symbolizes sacrifice, surrender, and transformation. The figure on the card appears to be hanging upside down from a tree, with his hands tied behind his back. This card encourages us to let go of our attachments and preconceived notions so that we can find new perspectives and paths in life. It also reminds us to be patient as we go through our journey of transformation and growth.

  • The Death Tarot Card

The Death Tarot Card symbolizes both physical and spiritual death, as well as transformation. This card can represent endings, but also new beginnings and changes in life. It can be a sign of something coming to an end, such as a relationship or job, while also signaling the start of something new. The Death Tarot Card can be seen as a reminder that all things must come to an end, and that it is important to make the most of our time here on Earth.

  • The Temperance Tarot Card

The Temperance Tarot card is a Major Arcana card that symbolizes balance and moderation. It encourages us to find the middle ground between two extremes, and to create harmony in our lives. The Temperance Tarot card can also represent healing, patience, and acceptance. This card serves as a reminder that we should strive for balance in all aspects of life, including our emotions and relationships. By understanding the temperance tarot card meaning, we gain insight into how we can bring harmony into our lives.

  • The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil Tarot card is a representation of the darker side of life. It represents our deepest fears and anxieties, and can be interpreted as a warning to be aware of our own darkness. The card shows two people chained together, representing being stuck in a cycle or situation that is difficult to escape from. The Devil also symbolizes materialism and addiction, as well as fear of the unknown. It can also represent feeling trapped or enslaved by one’s own desires and temptations. When this card appears in a reading, it is important to take it seriously and look at your own behavior in order to make positive changes.

  • The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower Tarot Card is a card of sudden and unexpected change. It symbolizes the destruction of old structures and the creation of something new. It can represent a period of great upheaval, where things that were once certain are now uncertain and vice versa. It suggests that we should be open to change, even if it means leaving our comfort zone or facing difficult situations. The Tower Tarot Card encourages us to embrace transformation and not fear it, as it can bring about positive outcomes in our lives.

  • The star Tarot Card

The Star Tarot Card is a card of hope and renewal. It symbolizes a period of healing, clarity, and spiritual growth. It is associated with the constellation Aquarius and represents the power of faith in times of darkness. The Star Tarot Card encourages us to look beyond our current situation and see the possibilities that lie ahead. Through this card, we learn to trust in ourselves and our intuition, even when it seems like all hope is lost. We are reminded that miracles can happen if we keep believing in ourselves.

  • The Moon Tarot Card

The Moon Tarot Card is a card that represents the power of intuition, psychic abilities, and imagination. It symbolizes the subconscious mind and its connection to the Universe. It is a card of mystery, dreams, and illusions. The Moon Tarot Card suggests that one should explore their inner world and pay attention to their intuition when making decisions. It encourages us to look beyond what we can see with our eyes and trust our inner guidance. The Moon Tarot Card teaches us that we should use our intuition in order to make wise decisions in life.

  • The sun Tarot Card

The Sun Tarot Card is a major arcana card that symbolizes joy, success, and optimism. It is associated with the element of fire and represents the power of the sun to bring light and life to everything it touches. The Sun Tarot Card encourages us to look at our lives in a more positive light, to be open to new possibilities and experiences, and to trust in our own inner strength. It encourages us to be brave and take risks in order to achieve our goals. This card also reminds us that we are capable of achieving great things if we put in the effort and have faith in ourselves.

  • The Judgment Tarot Card

The Judgement Tarot Card is a powerful card that symbolizes a call to action and the need for self-reflection. It is associated with the idea of making decisions and taking responsibility for our choices. This card can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context of the reading. It can represent an awakening, a change in life circumstances, or a realization that we have been on the wrong path. Additionally, it can signify an important crossroads that requires careful consideration before making any decisions. The Judgement Tarot Card encourages us to look within ourselves and make decisions based on our intuition and what we feel is right for us.

  • The world Tarot Card

The World Tarot Card is one of the most enigmatic cards on the deck, as it symbolizes both completion and eternity. This card is associated with the end of a cycle and represents a person’s journey toward personal fulfillment. It suggests that you have reached a point in your life where you can take stock of all that has been accomplished and look forward to new beginnings. The World Tarot Card indicates that you have achieved success, but also encourages you to remain humble and strive for growth. It can signify that you are on the brink of great achievements but also warns against complacency or stagnation.

Major Arcana tarot cards can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding our lives. By understanding the meanings behind each card, we can gain insight into our lives and make more informed decisions about our future.

The Minor Arcana cards capture the intricacies of our everyday experiences, highlighting the joys, challenges, and lessons that shape our lives. From the passionate energy of the Wands to the emotional depth of the Cups, the intellectual realm of the Swords to the material world of the Pentacles, these cards provide a framework for understanding the different facets of our existence.

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